Designers specializing in both traditional and contemporary sculpture.

Sycamore Street Studio is the sculpture studio of Theodore Gantz and Robert Dyehouse
who work as both sculptors and decorative artists to create original sculpture,
furniture, lighting, fountains and wrought iron railings and gates.
We design and build original works for the home, garden, business and place of worship.
We work in many materials including stone, metal, glass, and plaster.
We take pride in delivering objects of exceptional beauty.
We are happy to work with you individually or with your decorator,
landscaper, or architect. Our work is highly individualized
and tailored to meet the highest standards of our clients.
Sycamore Street Studio is situated in a well known and
award-winning garden that reflects our design talents and interests.
1604-8 Sycamore Street Cincinnati, OH 45202
513.381.0272 tel. 513.381.1214 fax.